New Room
1 oz. / 30 ml. tequila añejo
½ oz. / 15 ml. light rum
½ oz. / 15 ml. Nixta corn liqueur
¼ oz. / 7.5 ml. champagne syrup
1 barspoon cinnamon syrup
1 barspoon Malört
1 dash black walnut bitters
1 dash cocoa bitters
orange peel oil
add all ingredients to mixing glass / stir with ice until chilled / strain into a glass over a BFC / express orange peel oil over surface / garnish with orange twist
This one was sent to me by Saleh (@onlyxdiz). It’s got a rich, smoky base, with some sweetness from Nixta and champagne syrup to round it out. There’s a little cinnamon for warmth, and a touch of bitter Malört to keep it interesting. Cheers y’all!